Slide frames

Slides can be framed. The command
specifies the frame style to use. Valid frame styles are "none" and "plain", unless you use macros that define additional styles. For example, the øfancybox style option defines the frames "shadow", "double", "oval" and "Oval" (corresponding to the "", "", "" and "" commands defined in that style option). The øsemcolor option defines the styles "scplain", "scdouble", and "scshadow". All the frame styles use the lengths
which are the (magnified) width of the line (default 4pt) and the distance between the slide and the frame (default .4in), respectively. 's optional argument is for commands that you want to use to customize the slide frame style. For example:
If you want to build your own custom slide frame, use the command
\newslideframe{style}[commands]{frame command}
<style> is the name of the frame, "[<commands>]", which is optional, will be inserted before the frame command and before the <commands> given by ""'s optional argument. These commands can be used to set some default parameter values. Then the final argument should frame "#1". For example, if "foo" frames "foo", and if "" uses the length "" as a parameter, then you might write
You can still override the default value of "", as in
There is a starred version of that adds the frame to previously specified frames.If using color or PostScript images, note that each frame gets added to the background. This can be used for special tricks. For example, if you are using the øfancybox and øsemcolor options, then
    {\boxput{\rput{30}{\Huge\gray DRAFT}}{#1}}
puts the word ``DRAFT'' in the background of each slide, gray and rotated 30 degrees, and then adds a double frame.Use "" to put "DRAFT" in the foreground. See "fancybox.doc" for details.